
아부다비, 사냥, 승마 및 유산 보존 박람회 개최

Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX 2022)
2022-03-17 00:48 900

- 중동 및 아프리카 지역에서 최대 규모의 박람회

아부다비, 아랍에미리트, 2022년 3월 17일 /PRNewswire/ -- Emirates Falconers Club이 9월 26일~10월 2일에 중동 및 아프리카 지역에서 동종 최대 규모의 행사인 아부다비 국제 사냥·승마 박람회(Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition, ADIHEX 2022)를 개최하기 위한 준비 작업에 들어갔다. ADIHEX는 작년 44개국에서 680개 기업과 브랜드를 유치하며, 지역과 국제적인 입지를 확립했다.

Part of the Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX 2021), auctions of falcons, horses, and camels, as well as the most beautiful captive-bred falcons, and Saluki beauty contest (Arabian hunting dogs) are among the most prominent events, in addition to educational and environmental activities and heritage shows.
Part of the Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX 2021), auctions of falcons, horses, and camels, as well as the most beautiful captive-bred falcons, and Saluki beauty contest (Arabian hunting dogs) are among the most prominent events, in addition to educational and environmental activities and heritage shows.

ADIHEX 2021에는 120개국 이상에서 105,000명 이상의 방문객이 다녀갔고, 올해는 그 수가 더 증가할 전망이다.

여러 전시업체가 ADIHEX에 참가하는 주된 이유로 관계 구축, 직접 판매 확대, 신규 대리점 및 파트너와의 미팅, 거래 성사, 다양한 산업의 전문가들과 연계, 브랜드 인지도 향상, 혁신적인 신제품의 출시 등을 손꼽았다.

작년 ADIHEX 방문객은 박람회 기간에 개최된 80건이 넘는 활동과 행사, 그리고 그 외에도 제공된 제품과 서비스의 다양성에 만족감을 표했다.

또한, ADIHEX 2021은 120건 이상의 워크숍을 선보이고, 90명 이상의 연설자와 더불어 800명이 넘는 전 세계 공식 매사냥 단체 대표와 지속가능한 사냥 협회 및 기관을 초청했다.

ADIHEX 고등조직위원회(Higher Organizing Committee) 위원장이자 Emirates Falconers Club 사무총장인 Majid Ali Al Mansouri는 ADIHEX를 크게 지원한 통치자에게 진심 어린 감사를 표했다. 또한, 매사냥 유산을 홍보하고, 전 세계인의 가슴에 이를 스며들게 한 모든 지역사회의 노력에도 감사를 전했다.

ADIHEX에서 제일 중요한 행사로는 매, 말, 낙타는 물론 가장 아름다운 사육 매 경매와 아름다운 살루키(아라비아 순종 사냥개) 대회 등이 있다. 그 외에 말, 맹금류 및 경찰견을 위한 교육적이고 환경적인 활동과 유산 전시회도 열려, 방문 가족에게 더 큰 재미와 학습 기회를 제공하는 한편, 가족을 위한 대규모 축제로서 ADIHEX의 매력을 더욱 높인다.

ADIHEX에서 다루는 11가지 다양한 부문을 살펴보면, ADIHEX가 얼마나 풍부하고 포괄적인 행사인지 알 수 있다. 이들 11개 부문에는 예술과 공예, 승마, 매사냥, 사냥 관광과 사파리, 사냥과 캠핑 장비, 사냥총, 환경과 문화유산의 홍보 및 보존, 야외 레저 차량과 장비, 수의학 제품 및 서비스, 낚시 장비 및 해양 스포츠, 미디어 등이 있다.

Emirates Falconers' Club

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Part of the Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX 2021), auctions of falcons, horses, and camels, as well as the most beautiful captive-bred falcons, and Saluki beauty contest (Arabian hunting dogs) are among the most prominent events, in addition to educational and environmental activities and heritage shows.
Part of the Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX 2021), auctions of falcons, horses, and camels, as well as the most beautiful captive-bred falcons, and Saluki beauty contest (Arabian hunting dogs) are among the most prominent events, in addition to educational and environmental activities and heritage shows.


출처: Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX 2022)