
XABT, 이탈리아에 2019-nCoV 핵산 검출 키트 기증

2020-03-26 18:38 1,595

(베이징 2020년 3월 26일 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) 이달 19일, 베이징에서 신종 코로나바이러스(2019-nCoV) 검출 키트와 핵산 추출기의 기부 및 출하 행사가 열렸다. 이 행사에는 Beijing Applied Biological Technologies Co., Ltd.(XABT)가 초청받았다. 생물제제 제조업체 XABT는 이 행사에서 자사의 핵산 검출 키트를 이탈리아에 기증했다. 이 행사에서는 중국인민대외우호협회(Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries) 회장 겸 중국화평발전기금회 명예회장 Li Xiaolin와 중국 주재 이탈리아 대사 Luca Ferrari도 연설했다.

Luca Ferrari, Italian ambassador to China; Li Xiaolin, president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries; Song Jingwu, vice president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries; Li Xikui, vice president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and director of the China Peace and Development Foundation; Zhang Xiaojun, director of XABT; and senior consultant Liu Wei
Luca Ferrari, Italian ambassador to China; Li Xiaolin, president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries; Song Jingwu, vice president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries; Li Xikui, vice president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and director of the China Peace and Development Foundation; Zhang Xiaojun, director of XABT; and senior consultant Liu Wei


Donation ceremony and nucleic acid kit samples
Donation ceremony and nucleic acid kit samples

이 행사에서 이탈리아 대사 Luca Ferrari는 이탈리아 정부와 국민을 대표해 중국인민대외우호협회, 중국화평발전기금회 및 XABT가 이탈리아에 제공한 진심 어린 지원에 감사했다. 그는 연설에서 "필요할 때 돕는 친구가 진정한 친구"라는 표현을 강조했다. 중국과 이탈리아는 위기를 맞아 서로 협력하고 있으며, 이는 양국의 깊은 우정을 보여준다. 중국과 이탈리아는 밀접한 연대를 통해 조만간 코로나19를 확실하게 극복할 것이다.

핵산 검출은 세계보건기구(WHO)와 국가 보건당국이 사용하는 중요한 2019-nCoV 검출 및 진단 방식이다. XABT는 중국식품약품감독관리총국(National Medical Products Administration of China)으로부터 코로나바이러스 핵산 검출 시약에 관한 등록 인증을 획득한 모든 기업 중 세 가지 유전자(ORF1ab, N, E)를 포괄하는 신속한 검출 기법을 개발한 소수의 첨단기업 중 하나다. XABT가 개발한 2019-nCoV 핵산 검출 키트(형광 PCR 방식)는 분자 차원에서의 구체적인 결합으로 인해 최고 99.9%에 달하는 정확도를 선보인다. XABT는 ISO13485 시스템 인증을 받았고, 유럽 연합의 CE 인증 기준을 준수한다. 코로나19의 추가적인 확산을 제어 및 방지하기 위한 수단으로 XABT의 제품을 채택하는 국가가 증가하고 있다.

회사 공식 웹사이트:

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출처: XABT
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