
BorgWarner, Delphi Technologies 인수 완료

2020-10-02 18:30 1,276

- 전자 및 전력 전자 제품 품질, 기능 강화 및 규모 확대

- 전기 추진 시스템의 모멘텀 획득으로 BorgWarner의 성장 가속화

- 주요 내연기관, 상용 차량 및 애프터마켓 사업 강화

미시건 주 오번 힐스 , 2020년 10월 2일 /PRNewswire/ -- BorgWarner Inc.(NYSE 상장명: BWA)가 오늘 Delphi Technologies의 인수 완료를 발표했다. 이번 합병으로 BorgWarner의 전자 및 전력 전자 제품의 품질과 기능이 강화되고 규모가 확대되어, BorgWarner는 전기 추진 시스템의 선두주자로 등극하여 향후 추진 시스템의 전환 흐름에서 커다란 이점을 얻을 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

BorgWarner의 회장 겸 CEO Frédéric Lissalde는 "Delphi Technologies의 인수를 마무리해서 기쁩니다. 이번 합병으로 BorgWarner는 내연차, 하이브리드차 및 전기차를 통틀어 업계 최고의 추진 제품 및 시스템에 대한 보다 포괄적인 라인업을 갖출 수 있게 되었습니다.  또한 이번 인수 합병은 당사의 상용 차량 및 애프터마켓 사업에도 도움이 될 것입니다. 전 세계 Delphi Technologies 직원들의 BorgWarner 팀 합류를 환영하며, 전동화를 향한 시장 동향을 함께 주도할 수 있기를 바랍니다. 더불어 팬데믹으로 인한 어려운 시기를 극복하며 비즈니스를 추진하고, 원활한 통합을 위해 탄탄한 기반을 마련해 준 우리 통합기획팀을 비롯한 전 세계의 임직원들에게도 감사를 표합니다. 이번 인수 합병이 궁극적으로 우리 이해관계자, 고객과 공급업체에 큰 이점이라는 사실을 체감할 수 있게 되리라 믿습니다."라고 말했다.

탁월한 전략적 및 재정적 이점:

BorgWarner와 Delphi Technologies의 합병으로 인해 다음과 같은 효과가 예상된다.

  • BorgWarner의 전자 및 전력 전자 제품의 품질과 기능이 강화되고 규모가 확대되어, BorgWarner는 전기 추진 시스템의 선두주자로 등극하여 향후 추진 시스템의 전환 흐름에서 커다란 이점을 얻을 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. Delphi Technologies는 업계 최고의 전력 전자 기술과 인재뿐 아니라 안정적인 제조, 공급 및 고객 기반을 보유하고 있다. 따라서 Delphi Technologies와 합병함으로써 BorgWarner는 고압 인버터, 컨버터, 차량 탑재 충전기와 배터리 관리 시스템 등의 종합적인 내장형 및 독립형 전력 전자 제품과 소프트웨어, 시스템 통합, 열 관리 등 관련 기능을 제공할 수 있게 되었다.
  • BorgWarner의 주요 내연기관, 상용 차량 및 애프터마켓 사업 성과가 개선된다. Delphi Technologies의 다양한 내연기관 및 추진 제품의 결합은 최첨단 내연 기관 차량의 효율성 및 성능 증대를 위한 청정 기술에 집중된 BorgWarner의 혁신적인 포트폴리오를 보완한다. BorgWarner는 Delphi Technologies의 상용 차량 및 애프터마켓 사업을 추가함으로써 경차, 상용 차량 및 애프터마켓 시장에 걸쳐 균형을 완성하게 되었다.
  • 전 세계의 애프터마켓 고객은 앞으로 BorgWarner와 Delphi Technologies의 다양한 OE급 애프터마켓 부품, 서비스, 진단 도구와 테스트 장비 제품군을 이용할 수 있다.  Delphi Technologies Aftermarket은 BorgWarner 산하의 상표로서 고유의 브랜드 정체성을 유지하며 전 세계의 고객에게 신뢰할 수 있는 영업 및 고객 서비스 지원을 제공한다.

이번 거래는 Delphi Technologies 주주의 승인, 관련 규제 승인, Delphi Technologies의 부채 관련 특정 조건 충족 및 계약 청산 조건 면책 또는 충족 후 완료된다. 인수 완료와 함께 Delphi Technologies의 보통주는 뉴욕증권거래소에서의 거래가 중단된다.

전화 회의 및 프레젠테이션 자료

2020년 10월 8일 목요일 오전 9시 30분(ET)에 인수에 관한 간략한 전화 회의가 진행된다. 이 회의는에서 인터넷으로 방송된다.  또한에서 인수 프레젠테이션을 확인할 수 있다.

BorgWarner 소개

BorgWarner Inc.(NYSE 상장명: BWA)는 내연차, 하이브리드차 및 전기차를 위한 효율적인 청정 기술 솔루션을 제공하는 글로벌 선두업체이다. 자체 장비 기술을 보유한 BorgWarner는 글로벌 애프터마켓을 위한 제품 및 서비스 솔루션 시장도 주도하고 있다. BorgWarner Inc.는 24개국에 99개의 제조 및 기술 시설을 운영하고 있으며 전 세계 임직원 수는 48,000여 명에 달한다. 자세한 정보는 borgwarner.com에서 알아볼 수 있다.

Statements in this news release (this "Release") may contain forward-looking statements as contemplated by the 1995 Private Securities Litigation Reform Act that are based on management's current outlook, expectations, estimates and projections. Words such as "anticipates," "believes," "continues," "could," "designed," "effect," "estimates," "evaluates," "expects," "forecasts," "goal," "guidance," "initiative," "intends," "may," "outlook," "plans," "potential," "predicts," "project," "pursue," "seek," "should," "target," "when," "will," "would," and variations of such words and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Further, all statements, other than statements of historical fact contained or incorporated by reference in this Release that we expect or anticipate will or may occur in the future regarding our financial position, business strategy and measures to implement that strategy, including changes to operations, competitive strengths, goals, expansion and growth of our business and operations, plans, references to future success and other such matters, are forward-looking statements. Accounting estimates, such as those described under the heading "Critical Accounting Policies" in Item 7 of our most recently-filed Annual Report on Form 10-K ("Form 10-K"), are inherently forward-looking.  All forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and analyses made by us in light of our experience and our perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors we believe are appropriate in the circumstances.  Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of performance, and the Company's actual results may differ materially from those expressed, projected or implied in or by the forward-looking statements.

You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this Release. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and generally beyond our control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed, projected or implied in or by the forward-looking statements.  These risks and uncertainties, among others, include: failure to realize the expected benefits of the acquisition of Delphi Technologies; failure to promptly and effectively integrate Delphi Technologies' businesses; the potential for unknown or inestimable liabilities relating to the acquired business; our dependence on automotive and truck production, both of which are highly cyclical; our reliance on major OEM customers; commodities availability and pricing; supply disruptions; fluctuations in interest rates and foreign currency exchange rates; availability of credit; our dependence on key management; our dependence on information systems; the uncertainty of the global economic environment; the outcome of existing or any future legal proceedings, including litigation with respect to various claims; future changes in laws and regulations, including, by way of example, tariffs, in the countries in which we operate; and other risks noted in reports that we file with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including Item 1A, "Risk Factors" in our most recently-filed Form 10-K. We do not undertake any obligation to update or announce publicly any updates to or revisions to any of the forward-looking statements in this presentation to reflect any change in our expectations or any change in events, conditions, circumstances, or assumptions underlying the statements.

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출처: BorgWarner
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