
KAWS, AllRightsReserved와 함께 선보여

2020-08-17 10:24 1,620

-- COMPANION에 있어 역사적인 순간이자, 20주년을 기념하는 여정

(홍콩 2020년 8월 17일 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) 2020년 8월 17일 KAWS:HOLIDAY가 5번째 목적지인 우주로 여행을 떠난다. KAWS:HOLIDAY 프로젝트는 2018년부터 서울, 타이베이, 홍콩 및 일본에 착륙하면서 전 세계 관객의 시선을 사로잡았다. 이번에도 오랜 협력사인 AllRightsReserved와 손을 잡은 KAWS:HOLIDAY가 곧 이륙한다. 전 세계 관객은 대기권 너머로 여행을 떠나는 COMPANION과 함께 지구를 떠날 수 있다. 새로운 시점으로 지구를 돌아볼 COMPANION의 활기찬 여정을 따라가보자.



For its fifth stop, KAWS:HOLIDAY travels to space! KAWS in collaboration with AllRightsReserved presents KAWS:HOLIDAY SPACE. COMPANION dons an astronaut suit and takes a sounding balloon 41.5 kilometers (136,296 feet) up into the Stratosphere. It was recorded with a 360-degree panoramic video camera, capturing COMPANION's historical moment and marking his 20th year in existence. Audiences from around the world can now escape with COMPANION.
For its fifth stop, KAWS:HOLIDAY travels to space! KAWS in collaboration with AllRightsReserved presents KAWS:HOLIDAY SPACE. COMPANION dons an astronaut suit and takes a sounding balloon 41.5 kilometers (136,296 feet) up into the Stratosphere. It was recorded with a 360-degree panoramic video camera, capturing COMPANION's historical moment and marking his 20th year in existence. Audiences from around the world can now escape with COMPANION.


For its fifth stop, KAWS:HOLIDAY travels to space! KAWS in collaboration with AllRightsReserved presents KAWS:HOLIDAY SPACE. COMPANION dons an astronaut suit and takes a sounding balloon 41.5 kilometers (136,296 feet) up into the Stratosphere. It was recorded with a 360-degree panoramic video camera, capturing COMPANION's historical moment and marking his 20th year in existence. Audiences from around the world can now escape with COMPANION.
For its fifth stop, KAWS:HOLIDAY travels to space! KAWS in collaboration with AllRightsReserved presents KAWS:HOLIDAY SPACE. COMPANION dons an astronaut suit and takes a sounding balloon 41.5 kilometers (136,296 feet) up into the Stratosphere. It was recorded with a 360-degree panoramic video camera, capturing COMPANION's historical moment and marking his 20th year in existence. Audiences from around the world can now escape with COMPANION.

<KAWS:HOLIDAY SPACE>를 위해 COMPANION은 우주복을 입고, 성층권 높이 41.5km(136,296ft)에서 탐사 기구에 탑승한다. 초고속으로 우주에 도달한 COMPANION의 모험은 아무도 없는 우주에서 2시간 동안 무중력 우주를 유영하면서 절정에 도달하고, 그 후에 지구로 귀환한다. 전체 탐험 과정은 이륙 준비부터 출발 후 착륙까지 약 8시간이 소요될 예정이다. 이 여정은 360도 파노라마 영상 카메라로 촬영되고, COMPANION의 역사적 순간을 포착하는 한편, COMPANION의 20주년을 기념했다.

KAWS는 항상 무엇으로 조각품을 만들지 고민한다. 그는 "올해 너무나도 많은 프로젝트가 취소됐다. 사람들이 집에서 안전하게 체험할 작품을 만들고 싶었다. 올해로 내가 만든 COMPANION이 20주년을 맞았다. 그래서 모든 제약을 해결할 방법을 찾고, 무언가 특별한 것을 하고 싶었다. 지난 수개월 간 너무 갇혀 지낸 느낌이라, 이와 같은 프로젝트를 하면서 일상에서 벗어날 진정한 기회를 가질 수 있었다"고 언급했다.


KAWS 인스타그램: @kaws[ ]
AllRightsReserved 인스타그램: @arr.allrightsreserved[ ]
AllRightsReserved 페이스북: @AllRightsReserved [  ]

국제적으로 유명한 예술가인 KAWS는 뉴욕 브루클린에서 명성을 얻었고, 이후 세계 곳곳에서 미술 전시회를 개최했다. 그는 두개골을 색칠하고, 광고 라이트 박스, 전화부스 및 버스 정거장에 'XX'로 눈을 그렸다. 이 'XX' 표시는 후에 그의 서명이 됐다. KAW의 작품은 현대 시각 문화에 강렬한 영향을 미쳤고, 유럽, 아메리카 및 일본에서 큰 인기를 끌었다.

2003년에 설립된 AllRightsReserved(ARR)는 홍콩 기반의 창작 스튜디오다. ARR은 2010년 KAWS:PASSING THROUGH부터 세계적으로 유명한 미국 현대 미술가 KAWS와 장기적인 파트너십을 시작했고, 이후 KAWS:HOLIDAY-공기를 불어 넣는 거대한 조각품 COMPANION으로 파트너십을 이어갔다. COMPANION은 한국(2018년 7월), 타이베이(2019년 1월), 홍콩(2019년 3월), 일본(2019년 7월)을 포함해 여러 장소에서 다양한 느긋한 자세로 전시됐다.

Source: AllRightsReserved

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출처: AllRightsReserved
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