
2019년 건설혁신엑스포, 성공리에 폐막

Construction Industry Council
2019-12-23 08:23 1,780

(홍콩 2019년 12월 23일 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) 이달 20일, 2019년 건설혁신엑스포(Construction Innovation Expo, CIExpo)가 성공적으로 막을 내렸다. 홍콩 건설산업위원회(Construction Industry Council, CIC)와 홍콩 개발국(Development Bureau, DEVB)이 공동으로 조직하고, 중화인민공화국 과학기술산업개발센터(Centre of Science and Technology Industrial Development, CSTID)와 주택도시농촌건설부(Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, MOHURD)가 후원하는 이 엑스포는 이달 17~20일의 나흘간 진행됐으며, 15개 국가와 지역에서 23,800명이 넘는 방문객과 228개 전시업체가 참여했다.

The CIExpo attracted over 23,800 visitors and 228 exhibitors from 15 countries and regions to participate
The CIExpo attracted over 23,800 visitors and 228 exhibitors from 15 countries and regions to participate


A truck-mounted crane stimulator provides training for the operation of construction machinery
A truck-mounted crane stimulator provides training for the operation of construction machinery


About 40 local and overseas experts, academics, government officials and entrepreneurs from engineering backgrounds presented at four international conferences
About 40 local and overseas experts, academics, government officials and entrepreneurs from engineering backgrounds presented at four international conferences


The booth of Construction Industry Council showcases advanced construction technologies. The “Hologram Table” provides interaction with users by displaying 3D images of buildings and objects
The booth of Construction Industry Council showcases advanced construction technologies. The “Hologram Table” provides interaction with users by displaying 3D images of buildings and objects


CIC 전무이사 Ir Albert CHENG에 따르면, CIExpo는 매우 성공적으로 첨단 건설 기술을 전시하고, 업계를 위한 지식 공유와 사업 매칭 플랫폼을 제공했다고 한다. 그는 "혁신과 기술은 건설 산업의 변혁을 도모하는 세계적인 경향"이라며 "이번 엑스포를 통해 업계 전체가 새로운 혁신과 신기술의 시대를 수용하기를 바란다"고 말했다.

CIExpo는 '오프사이트 건설', '로봇공학과 자동화', '디지털 솔루션', '첨단 기술과 소재'라는 네 가지 핵심 주제를 선보였다. 국내외에서 엔지니어링 부문에 종사하는 약 40명의 전문가, 학술 위원, 정부 관료 및 기업가들이 다양한 주제를 다루는 네 개의 국제회의에서 광범위한 경험과 지식을 공유했다. 해당 주제는 '건설 정보 모델링(Building Information Modelling, BIM)', '모듈성 통합 건설(Modular Integrated Construction, MiC)', '제조와 조립을 위한 설계(Design for Manufacture and Assembly, DfMA), 로봇공학과 자동화', '건설 아시아 포럼' 등이다. 또한, MiC 디스플레이 센터, CIC - 제로 탄소 단지, CIC BIM Space, Happy Valley 지하 폭우 저장 탱크, 홍콩 배수관 프로젝트, 상하이 거리와 리퉁 거리 재활성화 프로젝트, T-Park(슬러지 처리 시설)를 포함한 지역 내 혁신 건물과 시설을 소개하고자 10건의 기술 투어도 준비했다.

CIExpo에 관한 더 자세한 정보는 웹사이트 http://ciexpo.cic.hk를 참조한다.

CIExpo 사진 자료 보기:

홍콩 건설산업위원회 소개

홍콩 건설산업위원회(Construction Industry Council, CIC)는 2007년 건설산업위원회령(Cap. 587)에 따라 설립됐다. CIC는 한 명의 회장과 업계 내 다양한 부문을 대표하는 24명의 회원(고용주, 전문가, 학술 위원, 도급업자, 노동자, 독립적인 개인 및 정부 관료)으로 구성된다.

CIC의 주된 기능은 장기적이고 전략적인 사안에 대한 합의를 도출하고, 정부에 업계 수요와 의도를 전달하며, 전문적인 훈련과 등록 서비스를 제공하고, 정부와 건설 산업 간에 의사소통 채널로 활약하는 것이다.

더 자세한 내용은 웹사이트 www.cic.hk를 참조한다.

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출처: Construction Industry Council
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